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Main image of 鷄 Kendo Research Institute

Mokkei Kendo Research Institute was established in August 2018 with the aim of introducing to many kendo enthusiasts the ideal way of kendo training that is taught by teachers, “the practice of defensive separation that creates the heart of Bunbu Goichi”, which is practiced under the direction of teachers Yadan and Ichiki Yoshigen.

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Information on seminars

We will deliver detailed information such as seminars & seminars.


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Yougen’s Room

Dr. Yougen Ichiki answers the question.


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The basics of Mokkei

Dr. Yougen Ichiki explains the basics in the video! !


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Application techniques of Mokkei

Attention to the line of sight of Kendo eight steps! !How to apply the technique.


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From The Kendo Research Institute 鷄 Ki-Kendo

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